
7 Quick & Simple Website Changes That Build Personal Relationships Like Crazy

So you want make an impact online. You’ve created a website and it’s beautifully designed. You’ve written a sales letter. You have Pay-Per-Click ads and lots of traffic, but no business is coming in. Why? Maybe your website doesn’t work. Could it be missing a personal touch?

Let’s go shopping for a minute. Imagine entering a store that has no salesperson. No one greets you at the door. No one acknowledges your presence. No one answers your questions. No one seems to care that you have come to visit. If you have a question who do you ask? You will probably leave and find someone that does care and can answer your questions.

Does your website provide the best customer experience possible? I like to think of the website like a salesperson. The components of your website represents you when you are not there. What does your salesperson/website look like? What does your salesperson/website say? Is your salesperson enthusiastic or boring? Compassionate or Firm? It is important to build a website for your targeted audience. What does your targeted audience what to hear? Start thinking like your customer.

I have put together some questions to help you start thinking about your website’s components that may need to be changed or modified.

1. Does your website have a crystal clear vision of who you are?
2. Have you included photos that give your targeted customer more visual information? A personal picture is a great idea, but maybe you own a large yoga studio. Adding some studio pictures would bring warmth to the website.
3. Information about your background?
4. Testimonials with valuable messages? Add testimonials with energy. Everyone loves to read rags to riches stories.
5. Do you want your audience to HEAR your message? Have you thought about adding audio to your website? Why not explain your service to them. Save them the time of reading a long message.
6. Have you included an email address opt-in form box? Most web visitors aren’t ready to buy, they are just gathering information. Give them what they want. Inform your visitor with articles and give them the opportunity to receive email newsletters or ezines from you.
7. What does your site REALLY say? The copy on your website is extremely important. It should be clear, concise and to the point. You may want to consider using an informal, you-are-my-best-friend tone. I try to picture one person and write to that person.

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