
EBook Writing Business by Wayne Van Dyck

If you are a delineate writer with articulate English grammar skills, you should consider writing eBooks. It pays handsomely and you can do it from the comfort of your own home. It is very simple to write an eBook. All you need to have is Microsoft word and the internet. Then you need to do some research on the topic. Try to learn everything you can about it, read up on it, and choose some quotes and save them in your favorites area. You can always stop by you nearest library and pick up some books on the topic too, that will help you write your eBook. EBooks should be between 50 and 75 pages depending on the topic is. After you have thoroughly researched your topic, and have become a guru on the subject, you want to create a table of contents. You want the chapters to transit fluently from one to the other. Make sure you cover as much as you can about the topic. Title each chapter. Jot down a few notes about what you want to write about – then delete later.

The next step would be to get started on it. Start by writing creatively, directly from your heart, and not just spitting out facts on a piece of paper. People are reading your eBook because it is filled with condensed information on the topic. They do not want to read and search for information dispersed and spread out over many locations. People want a concise, easy to read; interesting eBook they can print out and curl up on the couch with.

Always edit and spell check your work by rereading it when you have finished. Come up with a savvy and witty title that catches the audience. If you really enjoy this line of work, you could do this full time and quit your day job.

Wayne Van Dyck is a former venture capitalist and builder of offline technology companies. He is the founder and developer of Simple Money Machines. Simple Money Machines is all the money making technologies in one, easy-to-use, hosted application… enabling non-technical people to set up online businesses in less than 30 minutes. It's made for people with 9-5 jobs, retired folks, stay-at-home moms and college students. To get a FREE copy of “STARTING A HOME BUSINESS MADE SIMPLE", go to:

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