
How To Teach Profitable Teleseminars by Biana Babinsky

Do you like teaching? I do! I have been teaching others since I explained a math problem to classmates at my elementary school. Since then I have taught many subjects -- math, English, computer programming and more. Once I started my business, it didn't take me long to incorporate teaching and mentoring into my offerings.

I teach teleseminars as a part of my offerings. Teleseminars are classes, that are taught over the phone. Teaching teleseminars can help you further promote your expertise and brand, as well as get more clients and newsletter subscribers.

Here is why you should teach teleseminars:

- You can share your expertise with a big audience without leaving your office. You can teach people who live in other countries, and expand the number of people who can use your products and services.

- It is easier for your clients to attend a teleseminar than a regular, in-person seminar. It's simpler for your customers to dial-in to your teleseminar than to join you in person. By teaching teleseminars you are increasing the number of people who can be exposed to your business.

- You can show that you are different. Teaching is a practical way to demonstrate your expertise. Not all experts teach teleseminars. When you do it, you demonstrate your expertise and are able to reach more people.

- Teaching helps you promote your expertise, your business and your products and services. When you teach a teleseminar, introduce yourself and your business to the people attending. This helps you establish your brand and promote your business.

Another opportunity to brand your business comes through class materials that you provide to the people on the call. Your name, your company's name, and your web site address should be displayed on every handout you share with your teleseminar participants.

- Teaching teleseminars gives you ideas for new products. You can create an audio recording out of your teleseminar by simply recording it. You can then turn your recording into either a stand-alone product or a bonus with the purchase of a more expensive product. You can also use the material that you taught during teleseminar to create a special report or an e-book.

Start teaching teleseminars! Doing this is very beneficial to you and your business. Use your teleseminars to promote your business, get more clients and increase your business revenues.

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